
Throughout this semester, I have engaged with and addressed each course learning objective through various assignments, including a collaborative lab report, a collaborative public service announcement (PSA) created with Canva, and an op-ed. These assignments, coupled with the use of new resources such as the CCNY library databases, Canva, and more have enriched my learning experience and development as a writer.

The collaborative lab report and SPSA were particularly instrumental in helping me harness linguistic differences as resources. Working with peers from diverse linguistic backgrounds allowed me to appreciate different writing styles and perspectives. This diversity enriched our collaborative projects, enhancing our rhetorical strategies and ensuring that our messages were clear and impactful for a wide audience.

My strategies for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment have significantly improved. Initially, I linearly approached these tasks. However, I have adopted a more flexible approach through drafting and constant self-evaluation. Negotiating writing goals and audience expectations has been a continuous learning experience. The op-ed, for example, required a deep understanding of this genre’s conventions and our target audience’s expectations. The collaborative and social aspects of writing were crucial in all assignments. Group projects like the lab report and SPSA taught me the value of collective input and diverse viewpoints. These interactions not only improved the quality of our work but also enhanced my ability to provide and receive constructive feedback.

Engaging in genre analysis and multimodal composing expanded my understanding of effective writing across various contexts. The SPSA, created using Canva, required a different approach than the lab report or technical op-ed. This assignment taught me how to combine visual and textual elements to communicate a message effectively, a skill that is invaluable in today’s multimodal communication landscape.

Formulating and articulating a stance in my writing has become more intuitive. In the technical op-ed, I learned to present my arguments clearly and support them with evidence from credible sources like the CCNY database and Google Scholar. This essay demonstrated my ability to take a definitive stance and back it up with thorough research and logical reasoning.

Utilizing library resources, online databases, and the Internet has been integral to my research process. I have become proficient in locating, evaluating, and integrating sources into my writing projects. This skill was particularly evident in the technical op-ed, where I synthesized information from various scholarly articles to support my thesis. Strengthening my source-use practices has been a priority. I have honed my ability to evaluate, integrate, quote, paraphrase, summarize, synthesize, analyze, and cite sources accurately. This meticulous approach to sourcing is reflected in the credibility and depth of our collaborative lab report and technical op-ed.

My perception of writing has evolved from viewing it as a solitary, linear task to understanding it as a dynamic, collaborative, and iterative process. Initially, I approached writing with a fixed mindset, focusing solely on producing a final product. However, through this course, I have come to appreciate the various stages of writing, from brainstorming to final revisions, and the importance of continuous improvement.

The progression in my writing skills is evident in my portfolio. The collaborative lab report, SPSA, and technical op-ed demonstrate significant improvement in structure, clarity, and argumentation. For instance, the initial draft of our lab report lacked organization and clarity, but through multiple revisions and peer feedback, it transformed into a well-structured and precise document.

There are areas where I have not progressed as much as I would have liked, particularly in multimodal composing. While I gained some experience through the PSA project, I feel that more practice is needed to master this skill. Additionally, I started with a relatively strong foundation in research and source use, so the progress in these areas was less pronounced compared to others.

Each of my major assignments underwent extensive revision and editing. Feedback from peers and instructors guided me in refining my arguments, improving clarity, and ensuring coherence. For example, our collaborative lab report and technical op-ed were significantly strengthened by incorporating feedback on structure and argumentation, resulting in more compelling and logically sound pieces.

In conclusion, this course has been instrumental in my development as a writer. I have addressed all the course learning objectives, improved my writing skills, and gained a deeper understanding of the writing process through assignments like the collaborative lab report, SPSA, and op-ed. My portfolio reflects this growth, showcasing my ability to produce well-revised, coherent, and audience-appropriate writing. There is always room for further improvement, particularly in areas like multimodal composing, but overall, I am confident in the progress I have made this semester.